
Your donation helps us to ensure that we don't miss a single call for support!

The Kamatsiaqtut Nunavut Helpline continually relies on the community it serves to maintain a high-quality service for people who are in distress or crisis.

These are people with kind hearts who want to help others in need, former clients who have lived through challenging times and understand the value of the work we do, businesses and corporations who want to better the quality of life in their community, and foundations that create opportunities for communities to thrive.

We could not operate without their compassion and tremendous generosity.  Our donors simply love to give to our services because they believe in what we do.

inuksuk in the foreground on a hill in the shadows with the sky and clouds in the background

Donations can be mailed to:

Kamatsiaqtut Helpline

Box 419

Iqaluit, Nunavut

X0A 0H0

To donate in person, please contact:

Sheila Levy


Make an online donation:

To donate online to the Helpline, please visit our partner in fundraising, Canada Helps, where you can complete your online donation through their safe & secure donation platform.

Thank you! Your donation means the world to us!